
Ebay to “I”bay

Follow it. Find it. Make it yours.

That’s the new tagline for the infamous online marketplace boasting their new interface. Ebay announced their plan of making their marketplace more manageable for both buyers and sellers.

Have a look at their new page, users can now follow other users, collections or interests, establish their own profiles and curate their collections. This might seem like Ebay has decided to move towards a social media outlook. The new interface could be rumoured to mimic the functions of the social media site Pinterest. Where Ebay has allowed users to categorise their products or likes within a labelled portfolio, and users can even chose to share their likes!

The new interface is definitely more appealing and less messy than the previous ones. I’m even starting to enjoy spending time on the site trying to make my profile appealing. Yikes!
Not a good predictor for my future expenses.
How do you users think about the new interface? Yay or Nay?


6 thoughts on “Ebay to “I”bay

  1. Hello! kind of enjoying the new interface of eBay, at least it is easier for me to shop online =p! Not to mention, the “My Interest” on the LHS of the site is awesome!

  2. I haven’t used it yet, but from the video the new interface looks great. The ebay site was definitely due for an update and the social approach they have taken to get users spending more time on the site seems really cool, and actually beneficial to the user, as it will be easier to find new products you would like and can have it more as a profile… The old ebay site I found quite annoying and un-exciting to use, but this could get me on there more..

    • yes, I found the old one very messy! and it was really hard to find stuffs because it was all over the place. This one lets me personalise my profile which is awesome!

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